Search Results for "neck rotation"

July 3rd, 2024 | Neck Pain | Comments Off on Understanding the Importance of Good Neck Mobility for Safe Driving

Understanding the Importance of Good Neck Mobility for Safe Driving

Good neck rotation is essential when driving a car. When you get behind the wheel, you need to be able to look around freely to check your blind spots—without experiencing any restrictions or discomfort. So, in this article, we explore the impact that neck mobility can have on our driving,...

August 8th, 2022 | Neck Pain | Comments Off on How to Stretch and Strengthen Your Neck

How to Stretch and Strengthen Your Neck

Neck pain is an extremely common problem in the general population. Whether you’re an office worker, a student, or a stay-at-home parent, you might be at risk of developing neck pain. In this article, we will investigate why this issue is so prevalent. We’ll dive into some of the solutions...