Archive for chiropractic care

April 22nd, 2019 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on The Dangers of Prescription Drugs

The Dangers of Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug abuse is using prescription medication in a way that has not been recommended by a medical professional. Problematic use, or prescription drug abuse, includes injecting or inhaling ground-up pills or taking your friend’s prescription painkiller (analgesic) for your own backache. Using prescription drugs in this way is much...

March 18th, 2019 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on Scoliosis and Chiropractic

Scoliosis and Chiropractic

What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a medical condition in which the spine has a sideways curve. Usually, this curve is ‘C’- or ‘S’ shaped. In some people the curve degree is stable, while in other patients it can increase over time. Typically, mild scoliosis doesn’t cause problems, but a severe...

November 20th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on How Chiropractic Can Help Ensure Good Posture

How Chiropractic Can Help Ensure Good Posture

Posture is the position of your body while sitting, standing or lying down. Good posture has several health benefits and helps avoid back and neck pain. Chiropractic can help you improve and maintain your posture. There are several reasons why good posture is important. There are several less obvious health...

November 14th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on What Is Extras Cover and How Does It Work?

What Is Extras Cover and How Does It Work?

Healthcare is complex and multi-faceted – and health insurance can be, too. This brief guide to extras cover health insurance is intended to help you gain a clearer understanding of what it is, how it works, why you might want it and how to understand if you’re getting a good...

October 10th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on The Importance of Drinking Water

The Importance of Drinking Water

Your body is around 60 per cent water, give or take. It’s commonly recommended to drink a total of 8 glasses of water every day (aim for 2 litres a day). Although there’s little science behind that specific rule, making sure you stay hydrated is essential. The following are some...

September 11th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on What Is the Ideal Pillow for Sleeping?

What Is the Ideal Pillow for Sleeping?

Everyone has their favourite sleeping position; for instance, tummy snoozers, back snorers or every angle in between. As some of these positions are not great for your posture, it’s essential to choose the correct pillow to support you. Typically, quality is the key to good health; a good pillow is...

August 14th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on What to Look for in a Mattress

What to Look for in a Mattress

A study that was carried out in 2011 by the BCA (British Chiropractic Association) reports that 36 % of men and 41 % of women claimed that a poor night’s sleep exacerbated their back pain. The pain can be attributed to the offered back support, size or firmness of the...

July 20th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on Chiropractic Care for Arthritis Relief

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis Relief

Years ago, rheumatoid arthritis patients were never told by medical practitioners to go for a swim or go for a hike. Arthritis was regarded as an inherent part of the process of ageing, as well as a signal to patients that it is time to slow down. Recent studies and...

June 7th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on Healthy Snacks For Children

Healthy Snacks For Children

Encouraging your child to eat a nutritious, balanced diet is essential for optimum health. Ensuring your child gets the right minerals and vitamins in their diet helps a healthy mind and body. Your child is more likely to have increased energy as well as be more motivated in their learning....

May 15th, 2018 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on How Getting Children Active by Reducing Screen Time Is Beneficial

How Getting Children Active by Reducing Screen Time Is Beneficial

Parents are often advised that they should get their children outside to play to fight childhood obesity, a condition where fat negatively affects children’s health or well-being. This condition is becoming more widespread than ever. Outside play is essential in combating childhood obesity. Too much “screen time”, instead of physical...

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