Archive for chiropractic care

August 14th, 2017 | chiropractic care, headache | Comments Off on Cervicogenic Headache – Causes and Treatments

Cervicogenic Headache – Causes and Treatments

What is a cervicogenic headache, and how does it differ from other types of headaches? Cervicogenic is simply a fancy medical term that indicates the headache originates from a problem in the neck. It is estimated that anywhere between 4-22% of all headaches are this type of headache. In most...

July 27th, 2017 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on Everything You Need to Know About Kinesio Taping

Everything You Need to Know About Kinesio Taping

Many different athletes have different cool down or healing routines that they perform after a tough game or a rigid work out. Everything from an ice bath to a simple walk around the gym could be considered a healing process for your muscles and body to get restored again to...

June 23rd, 2016 | chiropractic care | Comments Off on Chiropractic and Osteoarthritis

Chiropractic and Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the term used to describe the effects of wear and tear of the joints in our bodies. For most of us it’s a common sequel of aging; but for others it can present earlier on in life and cause unpleasant effects that take away from our day to...

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