What Are the Best Runners for the Exercise I’m Doing?
Not all running shoes are created equal. A greater understanding of impact, forces, and foot support has led to a wide variety of runners on the market—and choosing the right pair for your personal exercise routine is not as simple as it once was.
There are a few factors to consider when choosing your next pair of running shoes:
- Cost—It’s usually worth saving for a decent, high-quality pair that won’t need replacing shortly.
- The shape of your foot—There are various options, including wide, narrow, high or low arch, etc.
- Your gait—Do your feet roll outwards, inwards? Do you need extra support?
- Your exercise routine—The forces, pressure on your ankle and knee joints, risk of injury, and surface conditions differ according to your chosen sport.
So, let’s take a look at what type of runners you should consider for your chosen sport so you can make an informed choice that supports your body, protects your joints, and keeps you comfortable while you work out!
The Best Runners for Road Running
If you enjoy road running, you need to choose running shoes that are lightweight and flexible with a reasonable grip and extra insole cushioning. As your shoes come into contact with the hard surface of the road, the cushioning inside absorbs most of the shock and protects your ankles and knees from repeated jarring and potential injury. A spacious toe box further helps prevent toe and toenail injuries and calluses.
The Best Runners for Trail Running
There’s more to consider when buying runners for the trails. The uneven surface places extra strain on your ankles—opt for a running shoe with more support (like a thicker Achilles tendon protector) to avoid sprains and strains.
Rocks and sand may also reduce the friction between the ground and your feet, so you’ll need additional grip. And remember the downhills that force your feet forward in your runners, and be sure of an optimal fit with a wide-toe box—a snug fit is never a good idea for running!
The Best Runners for HIIT Workouts
During HIIT workouts, your feet will experience different movements involving different angles and stress—so you’ll want to choose a running shoe that is stable with extra cushioning on the insole to support your feet. Another key aspect is weight; lightweight is best for HIIT!
The Best Runners for Strength Training
Unlike running, where the force of the exercise impacts your body from the ground up, during strength training, the additional load is above your feet, pushing down. So, opt for runners that offer extra support around the midsoles—to help your feet maintain their natural shape under the additional weight. Also, for weight training, consider a shoe with an additional stabilising grip on the outsoles to help your feet hold their position under pressure.
If you’ve done your research and fitted your runners perfectly, but you’re struggling to achieve your goals—a chiropractor can help! Our team at Chatfield Chiropractic will assess your gait—how you walk and run—and check your runners to make sure they’re providing the support and protection you need. We will also assess the health of your joints—and pain from previous injuries—and develop a treatment plan that supports your fitness goals—naturally! Book your appointment with us today.